Saturday, 4 September 2010

Making a home

Another blog update so soon after my last - however I wanted to get this written down.

Yesterday I arrived at Little Croft (my new house) at 9am. The plan was to spend the time unpacking and such, getting myself ready to move in on Sunday morning officially. (After my last show and my performance with LLTC - I am going to miss working with that group!)

Laura arrived to help me, which I really appreciated because I had no idea how big the job was going to be. Before tha arrival of Laura, Fiona and I used the morning to put numerous duplicate items into the storage space of the loft. Several headboards, many tables, bags and boxes all moved to make more space to live in.

A little bit of painting needed to be finished in my room so that was done early in the day so that it would dry. My clothes were put away into the drawers and cupboards of my room.

Then we tackled the kitchen. We washed everything. All the cups and glasses, knives, forks, sideboards, inside the cupboards, outside the cupboards. Dusted everything, hoovered upstairs and down, stashed more duplicate items out of the way. By the end of the day it started to feel new - appropriate for a new start.

Jon arrived at 3:30pm (or there abouts) driven by his parents and bringing his possessions with him. There was a very nomadic feel about yesterday, Jon's life in boxes, Fiona packing up her studio and my arrival with cases of clothes. For a brief time (about half an hour) we were all in the house together. It was strange but suddenly it felt more homely. I didn't really understand this as essentially we are all strangers but there was something very relaxing about the others being there and the house taking shape.

Sunday is my first official day as a resident of Chorleywood. A dweller of Hertfordshire and a staff member of Christchurch. After the deep clean yesterday I am feeling refreshed and ready.

God Bless

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