Monday, 18 October 2010

God made dinosaurs

I am sorry, but it is true. God made dinosaurs.

One aspect of religion that I have been thinking about lately is the age old argument of Creationism Vs Evolution. Dawkins would have us all believe that there is a massive issue with the two and how they don't work in tandem with one another. In fact, a lot of prominant Christians would also have us believe that the two cannot be mutually true. Let me start straight away by saying I am NOT a Creationist, I do not believe that creation happened as literally as Genesis states. Nor am I a scientist. I have not studied the in's and out's of biology to any level other than my GCSEs. So, why am I writing this post? Because I feel that I am a rational human being with faith.

Firstly, I am not going to deny the existence of something that is proven. Fossils have been found, dinosaurs existed, humans share DNA with Apes and such like. This is fact. When people turn around and blindly state that it is not true they make themselves look narrow minded and, in my opinion, foolish and thus make what they stand for look foolish too. Often I have been informed by non-believers that I don't believe in evolution because I am a Christian. That is simply not true, I am a Christian, yes, and yes, I also believe in evolution.

So, why is the account of the Bible creation so vastly different from what science knows to be true? There are many reasons

Some state that translation of the word "day" - some state that this word is not the literal 24 hour period that we understand as a day but simply a period of time. A section of existence. God operates outside of time, he is not bound by our simplistic human understanding of the passing of hours, a minute to us could be an eternity to God. If those 6 days of creation were actually 6 million years of creation then evolution fits. (that is a loose estimation when it comes to time, I am not well versed in science, as stated earlier, or how many million years ago the world was created)

Secondly, when the Bible was written there was a lack of scientific awareness. That is obvious. Progress has since been made and we have learned about different aspects of the past from what we have discovered with the modern tools and scientic anaylsis we have. People who wrote the Bible were looking at the past in a very different way to the way in which we see it. They did not have the tools or the understanding to make the theories we do so could only write as they saw. They saw the various animals that they had and concluded that they were as God created them. God did create them, time evolved them. The two are not counter productive as arguments.

Lastly, my translation of the Bible does not list any animal specifically at the point of creation. It does not say "God created an elephant, it was grey and had large tusks and floppy ears" - the translation I have before me simply states "Beasts of the land and sea and birds of the air" - the scope is wide open for what these creatures are. There is no mention of them being the evolved and domesticated creatures that we have today. It is not until much later in the Bible that animals start to be named as specifics. Sheep for sacrifice, clean and unclean animals appearing in visions, birds such as doves and ravens being used in Noah's ark. Creation does not state specifics about what these creatures were.

This is by no means a fact. This is just the ponderings that I have thought over the last few weeks. I have been listening to a lot of the arguments that Dawkins puts forward in his videos. The man may not know much about faith (although he speaks about it a lot) but he knows his science and in that aspect, he is worth listening to.

Science does not disprove the existence of God and his creation it simply is the study of his creation.

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